FYI — Cannabidiol
CBD and Megan Rapinoe
Posted by Crystal Palace on

Megan Rapinoe is one of the most famous and influential women’s footballers in the world. With a career that’s included an Olympic gold medal, two World Cups and a Player of the Year award you have to wonder what the key to her success is. While Megan’s sheer talent and drive cannot be understated she is an advocate for the use of CBD as part of her routine. Despite injury setbacks throughout her career she has still managed to feature 175 times, to date, for the US Women’s National Team and is still playing to this day. The key to...
- Tags: Cannabidiol, CBD, Megan Rapinoe, Women's Football
CBD infused butter
Posted by Crystal Palace on

Are you looking for a super simple way to increase the amount of CBD you take throughout the day? We’ve got you covered with this easy to make CBD infused butter that you can substitute for any recipe that calls for your ordinary, pedestrian equivalent. Now there are a couple of things to note here. Firstly CBD oil starts to cook off if you heat it above 170C (350F) so make sure to keep an eye on the temperature. Also make sure you clearly label it guys, you don’t want your younguns to start putting it in the sandwiches for...
- Tags: butter, Cannabidiol, CBD, CBD cooking, recipe
What is the difference between Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum CBD?
Posted by Crystal Palace on

It’s a question that we get a lot but don’t worry, it’s not complicated at all. Our CBD (Cannabidiol) products here in the U.K. are derived from the Hemp plant which is part of the Cannabis family. Within the hemp plant there are hundreds of naturally occurring components that we call Cannabinoids. There are so many of these cannabinoids that, in fact, we are not yet entirely sure what they all do. What we do know is that the hemp plant has been shown to have a bunch of beneficial applications for us lovely humans. But, back to the question...
- Tags: Broad Spectrum, Cannabidiol, CBD, Full Spectrum
What is The Endocannabinoid System?
Posted by Crystal Palace on

That is a very good question and we’re glad you asked. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) was discovered to exist inside our bodies during research on the effects of the cannabis plant on humans in the 90s. In fact the ECS exists within all mammals and is essentially in charge of keeping us well balanced and happy. But how exactly does it work? The ECS is a biological system that is full of receptors and neurotransmitters. Imagine your insides as one big spider web, it’s all connected but very fragile. You see, the ECS has a whole bunch of receptors that...
- Tags: Cannabidiol, CBD, ECS, Endocannabinoid